Monday, November 30, 2009


Bella cant wait for us to come home. She anticipates all the love and hugs she will get when we arrive. When we are young we dream of a the perfect life. Finding love, getting married, finding a fulfilling career, having kids, changing the world, making a difference. We anticipate arriving there with open arms. But life is not a destination. We don't arrive there. We Journey there. The journey is our "life". So don't forget to live along the way. Anticipate great things,love, blissful times. but know along with that comes heartache and disappointments also. Its all good. Change the world, Make a difference. Find JOY in the the Journey.
To live is so startling it leaves little time for anything else. - Emily Dickenson

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Live With Zest

Though our backgrounds and experiences are all different, We are all on the same journey trying to live this life with purpose. Live with zest, taking in every moment, it all has purpose. Help others along the way and don't be to proud to ask for help when you need it. Cherish moments and persevere in the difficult times. Thank God for your blessings and dont whine about what you dont have. life is a gift. Dont waste one minute. Laugh alot and Pray more. Give of your talents and your time. Spread God's love along the way... everywhere!
Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, bring your own sunshine. - Anthony J D'Angelo

Saturday, November 28, 2009


The day after thanksgiving I was all excited and ready to decorate for Christmas. I had just finished putting together my front door wreath. Proudly, I went to my husband and said "look, what do you think !?" Anticipating his words, to match my excitement. He looked at it and said,with no excitement in his voice, "Somebody is going to steal it." Ok So I was a bit deflated by his words. But knew he didn't mean to not understand my hard work and excitement. So I said "but why would someone want to steal it?" trying to get him to say because its pretty of course. Nope, his response was, "Cuz it has alot of stuff on it." Ok so maybe he meant to say someone else might find it pretty and want it. Ill give him the benefit of the doubt.
Words are powerful. Use then carefully with grace and love.
Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. Proverbs 16:24

Friday, November 27, 2009

Thy Goodness

For each new morning with its light.
For rest and shelter of the night.
For health and food, for love and friends,
For everything thy goodness sends.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


In the spirit of thanksgiving We have started a "New Tradition." My husband and I discussed together the people who really have made a difference in our lives this year. Family, Friends and Acquaintances. Chose the top five and sent them a card. Telling why they mean so much to us and how they have impacted our lives. During your thanksgiving day remember those who have touched your life. Thank God for all your blessings and relish in all the small things that make up the good in life. Look back over the year, even the toughest of years... are sprinkled with blessings.
Hem your blessings with the thankfulness so that they don't unravel - Author unknown

Monday, November 23, 2009


Is your house full of valuables? Does your Heart have an appetite for bigger and better, always wanting more? Wanting what you dont have is never satisfying, it only keeps you in a state of longing. Learn to want what you have. Find your contentment deep inside your heart, in all circumstances. Each circumstance has its purpose. Fill your storehouses with things that really matter. Love, joy, peace,patience,kindness,goodness...
For where your treasure is there your heart will be also. -Matthew 6:21

Saturday, November 21, 2009


Truth be Told. As much as Id like this to be a sweet, blissful blog, Id like to authentic too. Today WAS A CHALLENGE. My husband and I had one miss after another in the "lets be friends and get along realm." From not agreeing on a restaurant for lunch to what groceries to purchase for dinner. We way missed the mark of the blissful married couple. In the end we ordered pizza, rented a movie and decide to turn in early. What else could we do to get us into the celebrating part of our day? I HAD to make Cupcakes. Cupcakes were the highlight of the day. Hooray for Cupcakes! We decided to celebrate that this day was coming to an end. A sweet ending to a challenging day. Thank You God that tomorrow is a new day.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Just Because

These flowers. They came last night delivered at my door. The note read, "Just because... Love, your brother."David. Such a simple gesture... huge impact. It worked, I felt loved.
At the grocery store the other day, A cashier ran my items through but Instead of handing her the money, I had to place it in this machine. Well it did not work correctly. It took my money and didnt give me my change. In a few seconds there were 4 important well dressed people crowded around trying to figure it out. They had to call someone, wait for a key, open the machine,recount the money in the machine. The whole time discussing among themselves why this happened, barely acknowledging me, the customer.What is this world coming to?Is all the new technology, texting, Instant messaging, facebook, twitter really so great? Is it taking away from really being personal. Im not saying that some of it has It's good points. I am guilty too, I cant remember my last conversation with my sister, but I can tell you about our last text.But let us not get so caught up in our instant gratification, Im too busy to call or write or tell you personally How Im really doing. Take some time out "the good old fashioned way" ... write a card, send a letter, send flowers, meet for lunch. Just because. A little of your TIME speaks volumes.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Feed My Sheep

Traveling in Europe on a train through the Swiss Alps I remember being struck with Awe. Awe at the beauty before my eyes, awe at the awesome opportunity I had to be traveling. My heart was overwhelmed with such gratitude for this blessing it felt like it was going to explode. I sat back in my seat watching the beauty out of the window and prayed. I thanked God for this wonderful opportunity to have such beauty bestowed before my eyes, I thanked him for this marvelous blessing to see this part of the world. I had such peace inside, I asked God to just speak to me. I waited in anticipation, knowing , he would speak. I opened my eyes, looking out of the train window. There was the most beautiful waterfall. As my eyes followed the falls from the top to the bottom, there was a stream at the bottom, glistening in the sun. At that very moment I saw a man walking along the stream and following were... a herd of sheep! Tears filled my eyes. It was crystal clear. God spoke. He said " Feed my sheep"
Life has so many turns and twist of events and the journey has its joys, trials and tribulations. We have the peace of God deep with in to get us through the tough times. But there are those out there who dont know the peace of God's love. They have not experienced the "it is well with my soul" Find those lost sheep, encourage those along the way who have gone astray, and bring them back to the stream, under the glistening sun.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

To Have and To Hold

We attended "A weekend to remember" this weekend.( sponsored by WOW, all I can say is it was great. I highly recommend it to all married couples. We learned how women and men are different and how our styles of communication are different, how to be respectful of each other and how not to be selfish. We learned that marriage is not for our individual happiness and that we are better together than apart. That God has a plan and provision for us as a couple. We each wrote each other a love letter and in the closing we renewed our vows to each other. What my husband learned is that he needs to be more affirming in his words to me and what I learned is that I need to show him more respect. The thing I took to heart the most from this weekend is that "My husband is a gift." Our 5 yr marriage has not been all hoopla's and hoorays. We have had our share of difficulties, as all marriages do. Marriage is alot work some days, but so rewarding too. God has a plan, and If we keep God in the center and strive to live accordingly, when the storms come we will make it through. May God bless all those marriages out there and give you the perfect marriage partner for you.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Heart Mind and Soul

The older I get the more I realize the importance of taking care of my body. The outside frame. I exercise more, try to eat healthy and get more rest. But just as equally as important you must take care of your Heart, your Mind and your Soul. We are bombarded nowadays with new technology, enticing entertainment and popular thinking to crowd up and corrode the things we need to protect. Be careful, very very careful what you choose to let in. Be careful the thoughts you entertain, the movies you watch the things you listen to. Though at first it may appear harmless it may really be deceiving, polluting the goodness and wholesomeness you want to have inside. It may be a slow corrosion, but rest assure if it's not in line with what God would have for you, it can lead you down a wrong path and throw you off course. Keep the light of God shining through that soul, keep that mind pure and uncluttered and Guard that beautiful heart!
Guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life.
Proverbs 4:23

Thursday, November 12, 2009


In today's world, people are more concerned with how they look on the outside and little attention is paid to who they are on the inside. Character is who you are inside. Do you display peace? Do you show love? Are you forgiving? Are you content with what you have? Are you grateful? Do you stand for truth? Your character focuses on your actions, your words and your thoughts. True character does not worry what the world thinks of them. True character is doing whats right when its easier not to. Its being kind when someone is not. Its loving unconditionally. Its your integrity, being a man of your word, even if it costs you. Character is not bought. It is built through a lifetime. So who are you when no one is looking? Strive everyday to build what is inside the walls of your frame for it will spill over into the world. And the world is a better place with you in it.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Who is Your Hero?

Today there was a Veteran's Day Ceremony at the school I worked at. Different men and women stood up telling us when and where they served our country. Reminding us that, "Freedom is not Free."A teacher stood up at the end with her precious elderly father by her side, holding his hand. Through her tears she told us that her father... was her Hero. The man covered his sweet brave face choked up by his daughters words and honor. Tears were shed and deep appreciation for all those people who have served our country and fought for our freedom. The kids lined up and one by one shook their hands thanking them for all they do. SO simple, yet so meaningful.
So who is your hero? Who has made your life a little brighter, sweeter. Have you told them what a difference they have made in your life? That you appreciate them? Tell them today :)
A hero is one who kindles a great light in the world, who sets up blazing torches in the dark streets of life for men to see by. - Felix Adler

Monday, November 9, 2009

Childhood Memories

I have fond memories of our childhood. My mom would plan these tea parties for the neighborhood kids. We'd dress up in grown up clothes and eat at a decorated table in our backyard. My dad would take us sledding at Van Dyke park while mom would be waiting for us with hot chocolate and warm blanket. She'd pull of our wet mittens and warm our hands by the heater. I remember running through the sprinkler in the summer and playing house in our playhouse my dad had built for us. I remember our family camping trips, waking up to the smell of bacon and my dads's crazy music. I remember our Easter picnic's in the park, finding painted eggs we had just painted the night before. And driving around in our big blue van singing Bee Baba Lula and Country roads. You cant buy these memories for all the money in the world! They are treasured in my mind and cherished in my heart forever.
Your children will not remember their fancy clothes and expensive toys. Their fondest memories will be the ordinary days you made so splendid for them and the time you spent together. It doesnt cost a penny to create a memory for your children ... only love.
There is a garden in every childhood, an enchanted place where colors are brighter, the air is softer and the morning more fragrant than ever again. - Elizabeth Lawrence

Saturday, November 7, 2009


Yesterday, my husband and I had a big fight (yes,we fight). But when it was over, it was over. We forgave and went on. Hugged, said we were sorry, then we were happy again. It is easy to forgive someone you are invested in and share your life with but what about those you are not invested in? and dont share your life with? I have been struggling in my heart with some guys at my husbands workplace. I harbor so many bad feelings about them and the things they say to my husband, their ways and backward thinking. I talk about it, get upset (I think my blood pressure going up just writing about it), I think of what I want to say to them...Ugh. I dont like this feeling. I need to let it go. I need to forgive. I believe God would want me to let it go, for I am the prisoner in my unforgiveness and it cost me. My time, My thoughts. So Today . . . Im Letting It Go. Today, I choose to forgive.
Never does the human soul appear so strong as when it forgoes revenge, and dares to forgive injury. -E H Chapin

Thursday, November 5, 2009

A Heart to Heart

We had a heart to heart this morning. Bella and I have this understanding between hearts. She is a sweet soul. As I was on the computer this morning she scratched at my knee's in need of some attention. I stopped what I was doing, she climbed up. Just wanted to be held, wanted me to talk to her. So we talked. She is a joy and keeps me sane. Connect with someone today and have a heart to heart.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Love and Support

Today I realized, everybody is struggling with something. We all go in and out of big and small issues in our lives. Never judge someone's decision for their life. We dont know where they have been. We dont see all the scars. Instead support them, Uplift them and Be there. We all need love and support in this life.
Dear children, lets not merely love each other; Let us show the truth by our actions.
1 John 31:8

Monday, November 2, 2009

A fresh Place To Begin

Gods mercies are new every morning. lamentations 3:22. That means Each day we find a fresh place to begin. Driving home this morning from dropping off my husband at work, I was reminded that each day holds new hope. No matter what yesterday held, the potential for today is vast and can hold bundles of joy waiting on the horizon. I was excited for my day. I always start off with a Prayer- That, not one minute will I waste. That I spend it wisely, listen carefully and that I wont miss a thing.
I took Bella to walk in the Japanese Tea Garden this morning. As I was looking up at this waterfall to take a picture, I felt a pull on her leash. Which I soon realized she had jumped into the water. She wanted that fresh feeling too!
Each day comes bearing its own gifts. Untie the ribbons. - Ruth Anne Schabacker