Saturday, July 28, 2012

Wonderfully Made

I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. 
Wonderful are your works: My soul knows it very well. - Psalm 139:14
We all were made wonderfully. Born unique, with so many talents. Find your deepest passions and there you will find your place in the world. 

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Bella-boo has been Our family for the last 7 years. She has been our joy. Well.... she has made some adjustments of her own. Her pampered life has had some changes. Though her needs are not instantly met we have tried to give her extra walks and assurance through the process. The first week, she got up with me for every feeding (even in the middle of the night) and followed me around staying close.  Now when the baby cries in the middle of the night... she doesn't bat an eye. And when Lucy goes to sleep she is EXHAUSTED. Lucy taunts her to no end(We have worked on being sooooft) but Bella has risen to the occasion. Even with all the hair and tail pulling, she has displayed as sense of understanding and her and Lucy are working it out. They are actually starting to play together. when Lucy starts to dance and twirl singing with joy, Bella gets excited and jumps around to. When we play outside. Bella gets the ball and runs, jumping out of reach when Lucy gets close. It quite cute to watch. Thank Goodness. All is Well....

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Bottles and Binkies

I fall more and more in love every second. How could you not? When all is quiet in the early hours of the morning Attie is awake and alert. Our home is bustling with bottles, blankets and binkies in each room. The transition from no children to two in our home has been so smooth. Though you'd think it would have been a tough adjustment, it has been quiet the opposite. Peace has settled in. It is as it should have been all along. My husband and I are fully content and full of joy.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Lucy and Attie


They arrived on a friday, July 6th. We welcomed them with open arms and a warm heart. Pure Joy.  Our home is changed forever and our heart will never be the same. Lucy is 2 yrs old. She is a healthy happy joyful talkative girly girl. Attie is a two month old premie. She is only 6 pounds. light as a feather. she is a doll baby. So beautiful and sweet.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Your own Whimsy

Off for the forth of July. We got up late and went to a local spot for breakfast. The day was so beautiful we picked up our dog to take her to the park. We strolled thru hand in hand & leash. With the weather being so unbelievably hot lately it was surprisingly nice and breezy today. It was a delight. We decided to go see a movie and later went to dinner. Sat on the patio with lovely tree's as our scenery. Though we had talked of going to see fireworks, for the 4th of July, we opted for a quilt and pillows thrown outside in our very own backyard. We heard fireworks (we live behind a park) looked at the stars and listed to Pandora. In our Jammie's. We talked most of the night. It was so relaxing and out of the box. and in the middle of the week.Who knew? We had such a romantic setting at our house all this time.
Think outside of the box, create your own whimsy.

Monday, July 2, 2012

My Cheerful Bathroom

I painted my bathroom today! I purchased this shower curtain (For $2.95 at Big Lots) months ago and based the whole bathroom colors around it. I just found these wonderful frogs with lily pads at a rummage sale this week end for .25 cents. The Easter chick, I found at the flea market for $7 and purchased the tray at target. It had all the right colors.The yellow walls pulled it all together. So cheery. On to my next project!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

To Do List

I write lists all the time so that I may keep focused and not waste my days. I want to know I used every minute of my life fully. So fill your day's with Productivity, Fulfillment and Fun and don't forget a dash of Whimsy! Here is what I hope to accomplish this week:

Paint my extra bathroom "Joyful Yellow
Lunch and or movie with a friend 
Reorganize the bathroom cabinet
A day of Creativity-decopouge dresser, work on carousel pony, photography
Work on maintaining tan -my backyard or the lake???
Go to the gym at least 2x this week
clean house
Make a Lemon Tart (new recipe)