Wednesday, September 30, 2009


A friend once share with me her struggles with growing up with-out a father and the day she felt God speak clearly to her. She was listening to a speaker - David Ring . He is a fantastic speaker and he has cerebral palsy. He has an amazing strength of heart. As he spoke about all the heart wrenching details of his life and spoke of his dad passing at age 11 and then his Momma dying shortly after, he said one sentence that really spoke to her. He said, "I didn't ask God WHY me? but WHAT Can I become BECAUSE this happened to me."
From Great pain..."Great character," "Great strength," "Great purpose,"... can evolve. Who will YOU become because of your adversity?

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


There is a great music website I go to that I wanted to share. It is Register, its free. Put in any song or artist you like, and it will play music with the same tones that you enjoy in that song and it creates a station for you. You can have several stations you create, and it saves it for you. If you dont like a song push the thumbs down and it will go to nxt song till it finds songs you like. Its way cool. Try it:)
Is anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise. James 5:13

Monday, September 28, 2009

Abundant Life

While falling asleep last night I woke my husband. I told him I believed there was not alot of people who really lived life abundantly, to it's fullest. I told him I felt like I was on the fence looking over and I could see it. I told him I wanted to go over ... and I wanted him to go with me. He said "ok", and gave me a hug, before he fell back asleep. Early this morning I was awoken by a phone call from him, he was already at work. He said," Um remember when you were talking last night? Well I was kinda asleep, but I was thinking about what you said this morning... and well... I want to go too.
God desires us to have abundant life and he provides us with the instructions to do so. So why don't we take hold of it and run? Journey with me. Live your life ABUNDANTLY.
I don't want to get to the end of my life and find that I lived just the length of it. I want to have live the width of it as well. - Diane Ackerman

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Through my eyes

Here is my vendor table at this festival I signed up for this past saturday. There were alot of artsy vendors sharing their craft, along with food vendors and a few bands. Beautiful day!!! Cool and breezy. I had my Bella-boo with me and she brought in people as she had her pink t-shirt and her tu-tu on for the event. I sold ... 1 thing. In the worlds eyes, not the huge success, but for me...It was great... I enjoyed every second. Met lots of other vendors, connecting with people. Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. Live on purpose!
Every second is of infinite value. - Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Seasons Change

Today is the first day of Fall. Perfect time for a new direction in your life. A new vision, a new attitude, a fresh start in an uncharted sea. Make that change you need. Be brave and adventurous. Take that risk and plunge into the beauty of the unknown. You will never know unless you start. What have you got to lose? Welcome fall...Welcome Change.
Every day of our Lives we're on the Verge of making those slight changes that would make all the difference - Mignon Mc laughlin

Monday, September 21, 2009

Your Own Extraordinary

Don't get caught up in the hum drum state of routine in your life. Change it up. Create your own Extraordinary into everyday! Dance in the rain, Sing in the shower, Volunteer at a shelter, Throw a party, Eat dessert before dinner, Make a new friend, Meet your neighbor, Live on purpose, Laugh until you cry. Spread joy-Spread love.
If You woke up breathing,CONGRATULATIONS! you have another chance -Andrea Boydston

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Flea Market Pretties

Today was a lazy sunday. We went to the flea Market. I LOVE Flea Markets. I have a gift finding the treasure in the midst of junk. I took so many pictures my husband was getting tired of waiting for me. But when I got home I was pleased with the outcome. I am saving some for later. I did buy some things, but wanted to paint some things before I set it up for a photo to show... my small treasure's ;)
The question for each man is not what he would do if he had the means, the time, the influence and education advantages, but what will he do with the things he has. -Hamilton

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Create a Blog

Start a Blog. I highly encourage it. It has been an inspiration to me and helped me look at things in life as opposed to it just letting it pass me by. First, target an audience. What do you want to say? Who are you wanting to reach? This will give you direction. Next find a name for your blog and look into headers and backgrounds. Your host has templates ready to set up or you can find free backgrounds and headers /banners online depending on your taste. A camera is great for great photos, but I use my phone camera for most of my photos and it has worked just fine. I recommend a book (I wish I would have read it before I started mine) with lots a great info for starting a blog. Blogging for Bliss. Now find a host. I went with The set up was easy to figure out even for the more challenged computer skilled person. Now you're ready. Write, Create,Inspire. Write about things you are passionate about and Enjoy. You wont regret it!
Everyday is a new opportunity to make a new happy ending - author unknown

Thursday, September 17, 2009


You've got to see this. It's a video with a short blurb about what it is. I found it on (a blog which I was reading tonight.) I tried it on as my post and I did it but it clashed with my music set on my blog. So I took it off. It is a MUST SEE. You wont be disappointed. Simply go to then go to the white box in rt. hand upper corner (search video) write in -birds on the wires- Then click on the pictures with the blackbirds on the wires. Play the video. Way Amazing.
Never stop being amazed.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Today was Bella's birthday. She is four. We went out for lunch at Arby's where Bella devoured an Arby's melt with cheddar. Then off for a long stroll in the park. Followed by a photo shoot (which involved ALOT of snacks). For Dinner she had her Cesar's prime rib with birthday candle's in it. Followed by her favorite chewing bone. Her cake was made for her special day and her birthday hat was a hoot. She made me laugh so hard. She wore it with such grace. Happy Birthday Bella-Boo. We love you!!!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Element Of Surprise

Last week I mentioned to my husband, that I was craving carmel apples and this fall weather made me want to make some. I didnt even think he was listening to me. Today he came in from work. He had something behind his back. He was smiling and said, "I have a surprise for you." I was thrilled. I love surprises. The anticipation fueled my excitement. What could be in the bag?Three carmel apples! What a treat. Just the element of surprise made me happy. I ran outside to take a picture of them( for my blog) before I ate one!
Do the unexpected... Surprise someone Today.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


This is Vanessa. She is a daughter, a sister, a niece, an aunt, a granddaughter, a friend and my cousin. I used to babysit her. She was a cute, strong-willed,courageous little girl. There is nothing she would not try. She went to college in New Mexico. Moved to Los Angeles and then to New York City (where she presently resides). All in pursuit of her dreams. The thing I most admire about Vanessa is her courage. She takes risks. Always pushing on to try something new. She is beautiful inside and out and has maintained her wonderful soul.
-I just wanted to spotlight her in my blog.-
Courage doesn't always Roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying "I will try again tomorrow." -Maryanne Radmacher

Saturday, September 12, 2009


For a long Time it seemed to me that life was about to begin - Real life. But there was always some obstacle in the way. Something to be got through first, some unfinished business, time to be served, a debt to be paid. Then Life would begin. At last it dawned on me ... these obstacles were my life. - Fr. Alfred Dsousza
Stop waiting to live your life. Bloom in the midst of those obstacles.

Friday, September 11, 2009

True Beauty

While on the tread mill the other day, this pretty thin blond girl got on the treadmill next to me. Immediately, I felt insecure. "But why?" I thought. My value does not come from what I look like, what I do, who I know, what my title is( wife, sister, daughter, friend) what I drive, where I live or what I wear? (or how fast I go on the treadmill) That is Crazy. To value ourselves by these rules society places on us. WE are sooooo much more! Peace came over me, like sweet honey. Joy filled me. My value comes from my Maker. I am created to be a display of God's Splendour! Isaiah 61:31 How sweet is that?! So next time you look in that mirror or get tempted to measure yourself by a magazine cover, or compare yourself to another, remember this: YOU are a rare beauty. No other person on this earth is exactly like you. Embrace your uniqueness, and all your imperfections. Accept yourself and be who you were created to be. You are a child of God. You are beautiful!

Thursday, September 10, 2009


We went to Philly this afternoon. We are just 5 minutes away. We strolled around in the Reading Terminal Market. (perfect day for it. It was cold and rainy today.)
An Amish Market. This sweet man gave us permission to take a picture. We talked with him for a while. He has a brother-in-law in Houston! (Ya Texas) We bought some shelled roasted peanuts from him. He was so gentle, kind and humble. what a blessing.
I tried to capture the essence of this place. it is very metropolitan, big city-like feel.
In a huge old train terminal.
Fresh produce. Very inexpensive. We bought a carton of cherry tomatoes for $1.oo!
Cakes, cookies, and delicious pastry items
Fresh Fish, Seafood and Meats
and FLOWERS. I love flowers."Spend the afternoon.You cant take it with you."-Annie Dilliard

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Find that Passion and Purpose God placed inside you ... Now dig deeper... ask God for the Courage to accomplish that dream. Your dream.
Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than the things you did do: So throw off the bowlines, Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.
-Mark Twain

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Ok, My sister treated myself , my mom and my dad to "The Melting Pot" restaurant when she came to visit. OMGosh. Beyond Good. We had the cheese fondue, They served tortilla chips, bread and veggies to dip, then we had the salad, then the chocolate fondue served with strawberries, bananas, pound cake, rice crispy treats, cheese cake bites and marshmallow's. SOOO GOOOD.
So, tonight I was craving the chocolate fondue. I used this Chocolate fruit dip. Warmed it up in microwave. Cut up a banana, and had some strawberries. YUMO. try it.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Weekend Trip

We took the Metro into Washington DC this week end. We started in the mall area and went to the Smithsonian, Air and space museum, the Capital,the Metropolitan Art museum( My Favorite, it is fabulous!) Ate at the food court at the old post office, then off to the White house, the Washington Monument, the korean wall, the lincoln memorial, and the veterans memorial. Then walked to foggy bottom area past the george washington university. Whew! We walked till our feet were numb. I was beat. Hope everyone had a blessed labor day week end.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Happy Weekend

Have a Blessed weekend. Take some time for yourself this week end. Relax, enjoy your day and thank God for the blessings of the past week. Cherish Yesterday, Live for today, Dream of tomorrow.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Come to me all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest ...You will find rest for your souls. - God

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


This is BLISS. My rent spot I rent in homestead handcrafts in San antonio Texas.It is Shabby Chic... My style and My passion.
There are over 150 venders. Ive always wanted to do this, but was held back by my insecurities. Afraid of failing. Too much competition. Why would anybody want to buy my stuff? Would I make a profit? Am I good enough? Ive never done anything like this before, What if it flopped???...But I did it anyway. Took the plunge. Small as it might seem to those who take risks all the time. But it was big to me. I have made a profit every month. People buy my stuff. But MORE than that, It fills me with joy, brings me bliss and fulfills my yearning to create. It is a true expression of who I am.
I just sold my second french dress form. I love this thing. Its so pretty. I sell journals, clipboards,wood letters, flower pens, flowers in teacups I make. Soaps I wrap in beautiful paper, candles, decoupage crosses, frames, Chandeliers, outdoor cement statues shabby chic mirrors I paint white, chalkboards...ect. what ever I think of. I love it. It thrills my soul!
It keeps evoloving. As my dreams do. If there is something you have thought of doing but are afraid of failure, DO IT ANYWAY. Failure makes successes all that much sweeter! Indulge in that sweet piece of life you've always dreamt about.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


While at the grocery store in a hurry, I rushed into a line only to be told as I approached that it was closed. So as I backed up to get into another line. A lady was approaching and got there before me. She motioned to me to get in line before her. I said, "Are you sure?" She smiled. I was so appreciative and thanked her graciously. As I was getting my items checked, I looked back and that same lady was helping a man who had a bunch of items in his hands, she gave him a hand held basket to dump his groceries in, before he dropped it all. He was so appreciative thanking her. I said, "She is really nice, isn't she?" she just laughed. The cashier said, "Oh, I don't do good deeds anymore". The lady said, "oh honey why?" the cashier said" because it always backfires on me. I do something good and something bad happens to me." The lady said, "What is your name, baby. Im going to pray for you tonight." As i walked out, I was thrust out of my hurried mood and thought what a light that lady was. In a matter of 5 minutes she touched 3 people with her kindness. As you hurry about on your day remember that kindness goes a long way. Be that Light to someone.