Sunday, February 26, 2012

Beauty Grows Everywhere!

Beauty does not have to be in the perfect circumstances to grow. Today was overcast and cold. On our sunday drive, I had my husband stop at the most random places, so I could snap these pictures. The purple and white flowers were on tree's at a gas station. One right across the street from each other. The pink ones were in the corner of a deserted parking lot and the yellow ones in a feild along side of the road near a subdivision.
So next time you don't see beauty in a bad situation.... Look closer.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Who you want to be?

This is your life... Are you who you want to be?

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Permission to Laugh

LAUGH - to show or feel amusement or good humor. Express joy. exult a sense of well being.

In life's daily atrocities we may forget to laugh. We were designed to "enjoy life." So why do so many of us miss the boat? The opportunities present themselves daily.
Give yourself permission to Enjoy the life God gave you. Though we must take care of our responsibilities,we must also give ourselves a break. Dont let life get too serious that you dont take the time to feed your soul with life and laughter. let go. Break loose of the dull routine. Life's problems seems so much more bearable after a good laugh.... So Laugh Often.

The most wasted of days is that in which we have not laughed. - Nicholas Chamfort

Friday, February 17, 2012

Each Moment

When we are present in each moment, the past gently rolls up behind us and the future slowly unravels before us. - Rev. Richard Lay

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Being Yourself

I may not be the most beautiful, the thinnest, the most talented person in the world. But I am happy being me.
Stop letting the world dictate who you are. Be yourself. The world needs you and all your uniqueness.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Spread love

So today We decided to spread love. Our Spread love party" began with food and friends and a great game of white elephant gift exchange.(who says its a christmas only game?) Then we all headed out around town. I downloaded the most awesome encouraging words from the site. Attached them to treat bags full of goodies,lollipops and construction paper hearts ( about 100 hearts!,25 lollipops, 40 candy bars,and 20 goodie bags and along with a cupcake and a smile.) We stopped at local washateria"s( oh.. gave out quarters too), gas stations, grocery stores, fast food restraunt's, Tatoo parlors( best response here!) video stores... and a taco truck. People were surprised and happy. Nico,(he's 5) our prize participant, melted many hearts among the recipiants. It was a great night. One guy at tattoo parlor said wow, why are you all doing this? Nico said "
To Spread love". He said "cool".
Mission accomplished. Love was spread.
Happy valentines day to All

Friday, February 10, 2012

Calling All Dreamers

On another blog I saw a post that moved me, last year.
She got idea from this blog( It is awe-inspiring.
This art is from her blog) My friends and I are planning on doing a "spread love project"( I named it) that came from an idea that this blog sparked in me. I will post it next week to let you know how it went.
Calling all dreamers out there.
Create a plan and make it happen!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

In the Midst of Adversity

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... It is about learning to dance in the rain.
I used to wait all the time to get to a better place in my life when I was going through a hard time. But through the years I have learned that life is too short to wait. Waiting is such a waste of precious time. learn to LIVE right in the midst of adversity. Smile and press on! Life only gets better :)

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Chasing dreams

Dont ask Yorself what the world needs: ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who come alive. - Harold whiteman
So go ahead. Give yourself permission to chase those dreams!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

More than meets the eye

Looking through a lense of our upbringing, values and our experiences we make quick judgment's on people. We assume things based on their looks, actions and thoughts. Just because they look, act and think different does not make them insignificant. People "Are who they are," based on where they came from and the experiences they have come through. Next time you encounter a person whom you think you know what they are all about, start a conversation. Be kind and open hearted. They may really be in need of a kind word "OR" You may be surprised at what they might have to offer YOU from their experiences. We all have something to offer this world to make it a little brighter.Lets learn from each other. Open the eyes of your heart and hang the judgements up! There is so much more to life then what meets the eye.