Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Fortune cookie quote

Everytime I used to eat chinese food someone once told me "Ok, what ever your fortune says is true". Well sometimes it was true and other times it did not make sense. I picked up some chinese food last week on a dreary day. Took it back to the office. After i was done, I had to read my fortune. Its just fun. It encouraged my heart and brightened my day. I do look forward to making a difference in a childs life as I continue steps to foster a child :)

Monday, February 24, 2014

Courageous heart

There are days I don't feel I am getting any closer to my goals. But I continue to dance to the rythym of my hopes and dreams. I keep the faith alive. Small things inspire me daily that push me along my way. I have this intuition that all will fall into place. Living with courage in my heart. Holding onto truth, and trusting the path I travel on.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Texas Rodeo Carnival

I took Nhi (foreign exchange student from Vietnam) to have Texas experience at the rodeo on sunday. She noticed the lovely animal smell as we entered the gate. We watched the poor sweet cows get roped by the cowboys, a cow get milked up close, an exciting dogshow, saw real owls,( creepy!)eagles and bats up close and watched baby pigs race to the finish line. She ate her first turkey leg and of course found many treasures to purchase to rememer the event. We ended the day walking through the rodeo carnival. What a nice day. An Texas experience she will never forget :)

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Letting Go

I cant expect to travel light if I dont let go of some stuff.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

My destination

Feeling more hopeful on my journey I have to ask myself - "where to next?" I can have a plan and move towards it, but, "life shall be what it is." 
Though I completed my fostercare classes, I am feeling compelled to slow it down. I know in my heart that I am not ready. I am still in the process of healing emotionally. I will not beat myself up about it. Whatever it takes to get there. I will use this time wisely, finding peace and joy in my journey. For what awaits for me around the bend has got to be well worth the wait.
As we all journey on our different paths we are met with obstacles. How we deal with these obstacles shapes our character and who we will be when we arrive at the destination.
Stay on the path and follow your dreams. And dont forget to take in the sights along the way. Your destination is only a small part of the acheivement. How You get there and what kind of person you are when you arrive is what matters the most.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Vintage B

A quaint store I stumbled upon this past summer. Way out in the middle of nowhere, but worth the journey. They have a unique mix of vintage treasures and up and coming fabulous one of a kind items. Love this store!
The day was cold and gloomy but once I stepped foot in here my senses were once again renewed. Took the drewry right out of my day :)

Sunday, February 9, 2014

A New Day Awaits You

My pastor is doing a series called Glory Days -a fresh look at tomorrow. He says that in Ephesians 1:3 its says that God has blessed us. That we were not made to live in the wilderness. That our destiny is greater then that. He has encouraged us as a congregation to set about the task of Living out of the inheretience God has given us. He says that God  has given us everything we need, to be who he has created us to be. We have his favor. Promiseland life is ours for the taking. The last sentence of notes I took was : A New Day Awaits You. At the end of every service he has us stand to read a proclamaition. It is encouraging us to live the destiny God has promised us. It is ours for the taking.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Two stepping

A freind invited me to a two stepping class tonight. My first thought was no way! So out of my comfort zone. But after I thought it over, I decided to go. It might be fun. IT WAS.
I got the promenade , got the 1-2, 3-4, but the 5-6 was not pretty. The one thing I did master was ... The twirling!!! ( go figure) I was graceful :) but transitioning back into the dose doe.... Terrible i was terrible. But i had fun :) thats all that counts.

Invitation to Snuggle

Another cold winter morning. We got the text early this morning that work was delayed. Due to icey conitions. Yip - EE.  Let Bella boo out to potty and snuggled back to sleep. So nice and warm.
Now I dont usualy need a reason to snuggle but this weather is an "INVITATION TO SNUGGLE :) 
So, snuggle with your loved ones and your heart will stay warm!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Going My own Way

 Going my own way has not been the easiest way. The road has been rough to say the least. Finding my way through the pain, disillusionment and the sadness. But the blessing come steadily I must say. Family and friends who love and support me, a job, a church, a peaceful home. God shows me everyday that he is not only paving the path before me, but walking right beside me. He shows me in the sun that shines upon my face, the peace that dwells within my soul and the hope that springs from the faith in my heart. If I keep my eyes focused on him- I find the joy in my journey.
Though I can't see beyond the horizon and feel I am not moving at the pace I'd like to, I trust God to lead me through the desert and into the promised land.