Thursday, September 20, 2012

Cultivating Friendships

Today I had a half day off. I could have shopped, gotten a pedicure, taken care of some business things or caught up on my sleep. So many choices. what to do?... what to do?... Instead I invited a friend to lunch, and then went to visit another friend I hadnt seen in a long time. I could have come home with new clothes, freshly painted toenails. or a rested mind and body. but I came home with a warm heart instead. 
So glad I chose friendship.
We are all on our own unique journey through this life but we all share in common the road we walk on. We might as well support and lift each other up as we go along. It makes a world of difference to have friends walking along side of you.
Take time to cultivate those friendships. They will fill your heart and encourage you to press on.

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