Sunday, May 6, 2012

True Relationships

Spending time with my mom today made me realize what a privilege it is to spend time with her. I watched her as she shared today and felt such a deep appreciation and love for her. To some she may just be a 68 year old lady, but to me, she is my hero. She is beauty,wisdom and strength rolled into the most meaningful, love filled, giving life. I love her. I hope as I grow older I am half the lovely human being she is. She is the essence of beauty inside and out. 
In today's fast pace life and vast technology we have lost the true meaning of relationships. To see someones face on face book or read what someone ate today or where they are going is not the same as sitting in front of someone connecting with them on a personal level. Seeing their excitement or showing compassion in their pain. Our kids will grow up thinking having a friendship is reading someones profile, texting a comment or tweeting an opinion. How sad that we have lost touch with human beings. sharing your true heart (not what you want the world to perceive about you.)just being able to be who you really are.
Relationships are so beautiful. Try it the old fashion way. Call up an old Friend, let them hear your voice. (Not a text) Have lunch with a loved one, let them see your face.( Not a picture of what you ate that day). Send a handwritten letter ( Not an email)

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