These old beat up suitcases reminded me of the journey we are all on. Remember that every path you cross has its purpose, learn from it, grow from it. Know you are blessed for those friends you meet along the way, they were placed there, special delivery. Be that Friend to others on your path, you never know how a kind word or gesture can help a fellow traveler on his way. Treasure your family. They will be with you till the end. Share your wisdom with those who are just starting on a similar path you've already traveled. Don't get caught up on the small things, its all part of the journey to becoming who we were intended to be and will give you true character. The more nic's on your heart and scars on your knee's from where you have fallen make you more real and genuine as the years go by. Find joy along the way. Laugh,laugh till you cry and cry until you can laugh again. But most of all -Love...Love with abandonment. Love with all of your heart.
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