As a married couple, finding other couples to hang out with is not easy. Its gotta to be that right combination and the four of you need to Click. We have that! and what a Joy. Our good friends invited us to hang out today. We spent hrs at the bookstore laughing, sharing and connecting . Our time spilled into the evening and we continued with an invitation to dinner. We laughed more, shared more and grew closer. True friends just invite you to bare your soul, the good and bad ... and they still like you. As we left with a feeling of peace and contentment, I realized they make us want to be better people. We are so fortunate to have friends who really bring out the best in us. May God bless you all with special friendships.
A good friend is a connecter to life, - a tie to the past, a road to the future and the key to sanity in a totally insane world.- Lois Wyse
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