Sunday, January 31, 2010

Invitation of friendship

As a married couple, finding other couples to hang out with is not easy. Its gotta to be that right combination and the four of you need to Click. We have that! and what a Joy. Our good friends invited us to hang out today. We spent hrs at the bookstore laughing, sharing and connecting . Our time spilled into the evening and we continued with an invitation to dinner. We laughed more, shared more and grew closer. True friends just invite you to bare your soul, the good and bad ... and they still like you. As we left with a feeling of peace and contentment, I realized they make us want to be better people. We are so fortunate to have friends who really bring out the best in us. May God bless you all with special friendships.
A good friend is a connecter to life, - a tie to the past, a road to the future and the key to sanity in a totally insane world.- Lois Wyse

Thursday, January 28, 2010


These old beat up suitcases reminded me of the journey we are all on. Remember that every path you cross has its purpose, learn from it, grow from it. Know you are blessed for those friends you meet along the way, they were placed there, special delivery. Be that Friend to others on your path, you never know how a kind word or gesture can help a fellow traveler on his way. Treasure your family. They will be with you till the end. Share your wisdom with those who are just starting on a similar path you've already traveled. Don't get caught up on the small things, its all part of the journey to becoming who we were intended to be and will give you true character. The more nic's on your heart and scars on your knee's from where you have fallen make you more real and genuine as the years go by. Find joy along the way. Laugh,laugh till you cry and cry until you can laugh again. But most of all -Love...Love with abandonment. Love with all of your heart.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Keep It Fresh

Sometimes life starts to get so routine. You dont have to let life pull you by the ear, keeping you in the mundane. "Keep it fresh." Break out of your routine, eat lunch at the park, take a new route to work. catch up with an old friend. Take your dog to a new park. Leave the TV off and play cards or a game after dinner. Entertain guest this weekend. Plan a progressive dinner. Go have dessert at the tower of America's. Have a night picnic in your back yard with lots of candles and junk food. Be creative. There's a whole world of fun just waiting to be opened. Think outside of the box.

Sunday, January 24, 2010


What on EARTH am I here FOR?
The purpose of your life is far greater than your own personal fulfilment, your peace of mind, or even your happiness. Its far greater than your family, your career or even your wildest dreams and ambitions. If you want to know why you were placed on this planet, you must begin with God. You were born by his purpose, and for his purpose.
It is only in God that we discover our orgin, our identity, our meaning, our purpose, our significance and our destiny.
- Rick warren (from the book - The Purpose Driven Life)

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Thy Word

Thy Word Is A Lamp Unto My Feet And A Light Unto My Path
As I seek guidance in the midst of my dilemma, I am reminded of what true peace reading God's word gives me. God's word is a lamp unto my feet. He guides me. wheather or not you are a believer, we all need guidance in the midst of our storms. We go to a counselor, seek wisdom from a friend. But nothing will give that peace and comfort to know that God is right beside you, through your storm. And nothing else compares to lighting your path like God's word.

Friday, January 22, 2010


This morning I was reminded that in the midst of our struggle, in the depths of our dilemma, he is there. So look up, let the light of God shine upon your face right into your soul. Lay those burdens down at his feet and dance because you know he is there and has everything under control. May your heart be light as you journey through this life.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

A New Day

"A New Day and a Spinach Cheese Souffle."

The sun came out this morning. Not like the past gloomy mornings we have been having. The rising of the sun reminds me that today is A New Day, and the possibilities are numerous for what the day has to hold for us. This is the day that the lord has made Let us rejoice and be Glad in it.

Happy Day, have a blessed one.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Your Own Cozy Nest

Along with my post on nesting, thought Id show this beautiful picture I took of a storefront window at Pottery Barn. It reminds me of All things home. Its so cozy, clean and orderly. And beautamis. I love it. I walked in and immediately saw these pillows I fell in love with. It read $39.00 and $24.00. So I assumed they meant it was on sale for 24.00. Yippee I thought. So I asked. Was I wrong! It was $39.00 for the cover only and 24.00 for the insert. Oh My. Well They wont be in my house, on my couch, but I can provide a clean,cozy, orderly home at no cost but my hard work. You don't need fancy to have a nice warm, welcoming home. Just love, peace and little elbow grease. Create your own cozy unique nest :)

Monday, January 18, 2010


A cozy snug place in which to live or rest : a place of retreat.
To Nest - to create a place where one feels secure and comfortable.

Is your home a place of retreat? Can you come home and find rest from the world. Our home should be the place where we find retreat from the rest of the world, from the demands of our jobs, traffic, the busyness and craziness. We should look forward to going home, hugging on our loved ones and feeling safe. It should be a safe harbor in which we find peace. Though some households are brimming with cooking dinner, kids, homework and bathes, take some time out for rest for yourself. Create a calm, loving safe harbor for your family. Cherish your time at home. Make it cozy, warm and welcoming.

Home, the spot of earth supremely blest,
A dearer, sweeter spot than all the rest. - Robert Montgomery

Saturday, January 16, 2010


GENEROSITY - giving out of the abundance of you heart.
There is wellspring of love inside of us and so many people out there in need of it. What you have to offer is so imperative to a hurting world. There are people out there waiting for what you have to offer. So what are you waiting for? Look for opportunities to serve others out of the abundance of your blessings. Your time, your talents, your resources, your love. Share God's love with others... Your love can make a difference.

Friday, January 15, 2010

A Cup Of Tea

A cup of tea between friends is such a warm thing to share. A sweet friend and her mom ( Suzy and Barbara Gibson) turned me on to a pot of tea. It was so quaint and personal. We'd share a pot of tea in a cute tea pot at the kitchen table. We'd talk and laugh. They bought me my first tea pot. It has always stuck with me and brings me such a cozy feeling on a cold rainy day.
Once when I was living in Los Angeles with my sister, my brother came by. I was making a pot of tea. I invited him to join me. He said sure. He sat down to my sweet tea pot and dainty tea cups. I had made some biscuits and jam. As he sipped his tea and ate his biscuit. He looked at the spread and made an assessment, then said, "Wow... I feel like...I feel like a dolly." I laughed so hard. (So I guess it doesn't work for a man!) Invite your female Friends over, share a pot of tea or just enjoy a cup of tea for yourself. It will warm your heart.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Isn't this lovely? I was drawn to it, captivated by the fun, frolicy feel of the dress. So light and playful- like whipped frosting! While searching for a quote to match, I came across this in a book called Captivating.
A women in the presence of a man, a real man, loves being a women. His strength allows her feminine heart to flourish. His pursuit draws out her beauty. And a man in the presence of a real women loves being a man. Her beauty arouses him to play the man, it draws out his strength... she inspires him to be a hero.
May your feminine heart always flourish and may you inspire the man in your life to become the hero he was meant to be.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Fresh Laundry

We have never ending washing in our house. But I love it. I love the smell of clean clothes. It is one chore I really enjoy. I wish they had detergent inserts for my nose so I could smell the aroma all day. I once carried around a sample dryer sheet they gave me at the grocery store, in a baggie and every time I began to feel stressed Id reach into my purse take out the baggie and gave it a long wiff. Mmm Mmm good.
Find joy in small things today :)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Simple Things

that bring me JOY

The rising of the sun on a new day
Jumping into clean sheets on my bed
Sipping a cup a hot tea on a cool day
Snuggle-buggling with my Bella-Boo(my doggie)
Spending quality time with my sweet family
White twinkle light's on my patio
Laughter and Friends
Quite times with God
Creating something beautiful
Bringing Joy to another persons life
Blogging for Bliss
Encouraging others on their journey

Live life Simply in all its fullness!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Shared Lives

As we left our friends from our small group at a restaurant this morning I was overwhelmed with such utter contentment in life. We are so blessed to be part of a body of people who journey along side us. Though we each journey on our own unique path, we find encouragement, comfort, enjoyment, love and acceptance. We share our troubles and we share our triumphs. Life is meant to be shared, to be enjoyed . We are part of something bigger than ourselves. A body of like-minded people that make up the body of the church. What a joy and what a difference it has made in our lives! Life is beautiful. Share it, open up and reach out. Stop being a spectator in life looking out ... join in. You will be blessed.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Train tracks

Are you on the right track? Has your train derailed? Is this the path you chose for yourself?We all get off track at times. We wake up one day and find we are way off course and wonder how we got so off the path. There are consequences for all of our choices we make. You know deep in your heart when you are on the wrong train, heading in the wrong direction . Get off the train if you need to, take time and reassess the direction you need to go. When you are on the right train, you will know it, peace will flood your soul. Make good choices for your life. You've only got one chance to live it.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Jakob, my nephew left yesterday. (He is a love-bug!) Sadness filled us. We love him so much. He was such a joy to have this christmas. He Loves Loves grandpa and grandma and wishes he could see them all the time. But... He lives in Los Angeles. So we cherish the 1-2 times we get to see him per year. Im hoping this pic will guilt my sister and brother -n- law (whom are great parents) into wanting to move back to San Antonio. We are family. Shouldn't we all be together???

Monday, January 4, 2010

A Day Of Peace

Today I felt the need to get things back in order. Took my christmas tree down and all the trimmings. Put away all the holiday decorations and stored them in their place. Swept the floors and cleaned the rooms. Such order brought back calmness and peace into my home. I went over our finances. Went to the grocery store, put food in the pantry, and made a great meal. All is well. I feel ready for the New year.
When we are present in each moment, the past gently rolls up behind us and the future slowly unravels before us. - Rev. Richard Ley
P.S. This is not my home.(I wish) I got this picture from a magazine. Isn't it peaceful? :)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Marvelous Monday

Back to work, back to school, back to routine. Well Tomorrow is Monday and the holidays are officially over. Children go back to school along with teachers and people go back to work. Cant help but feel a little slump in the month and the new year, but look up. Its a new Year! Take a fresh perspective into your monday with a hop in your step and smile on your face. Routine somehow brings us security and brings order back into life. The craziness of the holidays are fun, but lets gets seriuos about 2010 and What we will bring into it. Have a Marvelous Monday!