At 2 months old weighing 6 pounds she came with just a phone call and a few hours to prepare. Rushing out to buy a bassinet, clothes, bottles, burp clothes, pampers. So excited just to hold her. She was smothered in kisses & hugs. She grew so fast. learned to smile, laugh, sit and eat with us at the table. Batting at her toys. Singing "Row your boat" to her as I gave her breathing treatments, crying with her when she got her immunizations. Rushing her to the hospital when she got sick. I remember her funny face when she got her first taste of baby food, her sweet smile when I called her "sugar bear!"I loved her. She wasn't mine, but I LOVED Her so much.

At 2 1/2 yrs old. Such a happy child. Independent, finding the world a wondrous place, squealing with excitement. She loved to twirl when I put music on, enjoyed our outside time with just us girls. Learned about her baby sister she never knew she had. Bonded and was protective over her. Her favorite word was co'me. (eat in Spanish). She would say "Co'me Moma, Com'e! She loved mealtime. She learned to say please and thank you and learned how to sit at a resteraunt. Saturday morning bean and egg tacos were her favorite. So appreciative. I'd tell her mommy has a surprise. We go in her room, I'd show her each items of clothing I took out of the bag. She'd put both hands on her cheeks so excited. We'd try it on her and she would twirl. Such a girly girl. Bows in her hair every morning. She was so joyful. I loved her so.

They won't know me, but I know them. I loved them. We loved them. I will always hold them in my heart. I will never forget holding them, loving them, watching them grow. I was part of that. Giving them a healthy start to who they will become. I pray blessing bestowed before them all the days of their lives.
Just a tribute to them as I move forward in the process to do this again. All children deserve to be loved.
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