Today the kids were playing outside with sidewalk chalk. Though all the teachers were excited of the well deserved up coming spring break the children were unaware. They just float with the rhythm that their world consists of. Some of their lives full of love and hugs others full of strife and hardships. But children are so resilient. They live in the moment. Though the night before might have brought chaos,confusion and worry, the structure and security of going to school provides them with a sense of feeling safe, knowing they will be fed and knowing they will be seen... heard.
In the beginning of the year, a child in my class asked each morning with great concern, "Did I miss it? Did I miss breakfast?As I reassured him each morning until he stopped asking I thought to my self, "Wow I worry about this and that, and this child worries about his next meal."
Some things we might take for granted as basic for others is not.Count your Blessings, Make a difference in your community( be a mentor, volunteer at a shelter, be a big brother or sister) and Live in the moment.
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