Early this morning as we headed to our destination my husband noticed a man running to catch the bus. We watched as he desperately ran full speed with a huge bag only to see the bus pull away and drive off. We turned around in a parking lot make a u turn. Caught at the light you could see frustration and disappointment written all over his face as he just stood there. A familiar feeling we all know. My husband called out cheerfully that we would take him to the next bus stop. he hesitated but climbed into our back seat. It was a 2 minute encounter and we dropped him ahead of the bus at the next stop.
These small encounters with another human being. Are there opportunities like this daily? But we are to busy to notice? how many have we missed? You cant purchase this feeling of helping another human being in a time of need. We are all on this journey together. Lets lift each other up and look for opportunities to meet needs. Our paths cross each other for a reason.We are all here for a purpose. Make it count.
Let us not grow weary while doing good ... Galations 6:9
So encourage and build each other up... 1 thessalonians 5;11
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