A little inspiration. Rachele Ashwell
My house and each thing in it is an expression of who I am. Before I move into any place I envision the place I will create. I am consumed with it dream about it. I want my home to say, Welcome guest, you are special, come sit back, take off your shoes,have a pillow, have a blanket. I want my home to be a haven of peace and shelter from the outside world. I want my guest to leave feeling like they just received a great big hug and know it is always an open door. Ive always enjoyed decorating but it took a while to adapt a style I was comfortable with. One that was fully me. A style that you could walk into my house and think "Oh this is who she is. Ever since I can remember Rachele Ashwell has been my inspiration. She has English roots and her style is very sweet, clean, white and laid back. She IS Shabby chic. Her web site is shabbychic.com and has stores in Los Angeles and New york and recently opened a new store in London, her new line is called Shabby chic couture. Take a peek. That website is rachelashwellshabbychiccouture.com It is a must see.
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