Though I did not read the book, I did see the movie and have my opinions about it. Last year when the book came out Oprah interviewed the author. What intrigued me most about her was her courage. Something all of us have only dreamt about. Taking risks in life and really living. As I was watching the movie and had built her up in my mind as this hero who was courageous and zestful about life. I began to take the good parts out of it as it applies to each one of us, desiring to throw cares to the wind and go off in search for true living and honest loving. She learns alot about herself as she journeys through the different countries and cultures taking from them what "she feels" she need to learn from each. It struck me, she is just like us all, searching for the true meaning of life. Learning how to love, how to live with zest. Savoring each day and cherishing each relationship that crosses her path. We all have this deep longing and emptiness we need to fill. You need not look any further. It's God, IT'S GOD. You don't need to travel to a far off land to find yourself or meditate or look deep inside. God is right here. There is no peace in all the world that will fill that soul that is searching. No love in the world will make you feel more complete then when you invite God into your life. Peace Love and Joy will FILL you. So what are you waiting for? Be your own hero... In your own novel ... Invite God in. It is truly amazing and will change your life for all of eternity.
Few of us write great Novels; All of us live them. - Mignon Mclaughlin
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