Friday, July 30, 2010

Creative Therapy

I have dreams and aspirations of a creative occupation. Though my degree is in social work, I so desire to be able to have an occupation in which I create. To turn my passions into a lifestyle. I am exploring "children's photography"- Vintage with a modern twist, "party planning" and "interior decorating" for children's rooms. I am needing practice and a way to build up a portfolio. A long time friend was gracious enough to allow me to photograph her children. So we had our first photo shoot today. They were my first little people :) They made the day such a joy.We took a ton of pictures. I didn't get permission to show the pictures so I am showing this one from the back. Are they not the sweetest children ever? If this continues to be a hobby for me, I will be just as happy. It is my Creative Therapy.
A good hobby is cheaper than therapy


Jeanne Oliver said...

I hope you find that creative therapy the we all need. Sweet photograph.

Anonymous said...

Love it! We had fun as well. You are welcome to use whatever pics you want.