Saturday, July 31, 2010

Photo Shoot

With permission ... I am showing photos from my first attempts at "children's photography." I searched high and low for these vintage finds for the photo shoot. The umbrella and the hat are authentic vintage. The white skirt and yellow blouse were a perfect match and fit. I brought the flowers from home and purchased the white balloons for the occasion. It all worked out so wonderfully. It was a difficult task to choose only some to show.
Happy Saturday - Enjoy the rest of your week-end.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Creative Therapy

I have dreams and aspirations of a creative occupation. Though my degree is in social work, I so desire to be able to have an occupation in which I create. To turn my passions into a lifestyle. I am exploring "children's photography"- Vintage with a modern twist, "party planning" and "interior decorating" for children's rooms. I am needing practice and a way to build up a portfolio. A long time friend was gracious enough to allow me to photograph her children. So we had our first photo shoot today. They were my first little people :) They made the day such a joy.We took a ton of pictures. I didn't get permission to show the pictures so I am showing this one from the back. Are they not the sweetest children ever? If this continues to be a hobby for me, I will be just as happy. It is my Creative Therapy.
A good hobby is cheaper than therapy

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Embrace life

Don't we all have those things we tell ourselves... if just this or that, Then... life will be great or perfect? Life is not and will never be the perfect circumstances. It is great to have dreams, aspirations, goals. But choose to live in the now. Be present in every moment. Embrace it. Love the life you live. It only happens once.
One of the most tragic things I know about human nature is that all of us tend to put off living. We are all dreaming of some magical rose garden over the horizon - instead of enjoying the roses that are blooming outside of our windows. - Dale Carnegie

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Every Storm

Bella-boo is so afraid of storms. We had to take her with us yesterday evening to run errands because it was thundering and lightning. She runs around frantic and crying.
Ive been trying to teach her its ok. We used to run to the bed and hide under the covers but now we face it head on.I let her head poke out the window and feel the wind right before it begins, telling her," here comes the rain." I sing to her when it thunders and we stand on the porch and watch the rain as it falls.
May God give you... for every storm a rainbow, for every tear a smile, for every care a promise and a blessing in each trial. For every problem life sends, a faithful friend to share, for every sign a sweet song and an answer for each prayer. - Irish proverb

Monday, July 26, 2010

Shades of Happiness

Happiness is state of mind. Things are always changing and there is a rhythm to this thing we call life. Seize your days and dwell in them fully. Embrace your life and all that it encompasses. Cherish the good times and ride peacefully through the storms. For there is a rainbow beyond the horizon. Wait for it. Life is oh so precious. Live out those days with Love, forgiveness, Joy, peace and Hope. Choose Happiness. Feel fortunate, because chances are good... You actually are.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


I found the CUTEST baby bloomers at a thrift store for a super good price. I bought seven. Made up some removable flower pins to match and attached them. I am selling them at my rent spot at Homestead. They are adorable. Too cute for words, had to "Show and Tell."
Its Never too late to bloom :)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Simple Basics

Have we really come to a place where we need to always be Entertained? Always rushing around being busy. Have we lost the art of just being and appreciating the simple things in life? Like people, relationships (real relationships not facebook friends). Do you notice the beauty all around you? Like the sunset, a full moon, a cool breeze on a warm summer day, or how blue the sky is. Be still. When was the last time you wrote someone a letter, or listened to a friend really pour out their heart, talked to your neighbor? pondered a thought? Or stayed at home and spent quality time with family? Can you go a whole day without texting, surfing the net, checking your email or your facebook? Play cards, make dinner together, do a project with your kids, play a board game. Sit outside with your spouse and talk about your dreams, look at the stars. Go on a picnic.We need to get back to the simple basics and get into perspective what is really important... and whats not.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

A Happy Camper

Went camping this week end. Though I took a ton of great pictures and captured all the cherished moments, I seemed to have lost them. (so I found these online) though this last picture says I love not camping - I,
Lisa LOVE to camp. ( I just loved the pic).
We camped with two other couples and had a lovely time. Though we didn't entirely "Rough it"
(They had a camper fully equipped with kitchen,stove,fridge-bathroom, shower and two full beds and pull out couch, TV etc) I absolutely love being outdoors and enjoying nature. The sound of the crickets singing you to sleep, gazing at the stars shining bright in the vast sky, preparing your meals over an open fire, and immersing yourself in the cool refreshing water on a hot summer day. What a delightful weekend. I was one Happy Camper.
Choose to be a Happy Camper this week. Its an Attitude :)

Friday, July 16, 2010


Where will you be 5 Years from today? The next 5 years can be the most exciting and satisfying year's of your life. Its your time. It's your life. What will you do with it?
In five years Christopher Columbus discovered A NEW WORLD. Michael Angelo completed the SISTINE CHAPEL.
What about YOU? This is your life and you don't want to miss it. When was the last time you did something ... FOR THE FIRST TIME? GO ... where you have never been. What are you PASSIONATE about? FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS ... They know the way. WHAT WILL YOU DO?... with your talents. Make the world better. YOU CAN.
Live your life ON PURPOSE. Get INVOLVED. Get INSPIRED. Make every MOMENT COUNT. The next FIVE YEARS can be the best five years of your life... Or just another FIVE YEARS.
This was taken from a video advertising the book "5"

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Petite Cupcake Plate

Another Up-cycle project. I found all items at the Goodwill. All this for $2.50
Glued the candle holder to the bottom of the small plate.
Placed the small glass lid over the plate.

And accessorized! A petite cupcake plate. Or what ever you want it to be.
Happy Wednesday :)

Monday, July 12, 2010

A Monday of blessings

Another hot day in Texas. Enjoy this blessed Monday, stay hydrated and start your week off with an act of kindness. Bless someone today.
I expect to pass through this life but once. Therefore if there be kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again. - William Penn

Friday, July 9, 2010

Paris Photo's

THINK BIG THOUGHTS but Relish Small Pleasures. -Jackson Brown Jr.
These photos are on for sale.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Sweet Rain

Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain. - Author unknown
As a child I have fond memories of my dad singing "raindrops keep falling on my head." One of his favorites. I too have learned to appreciate and developed a love for when it rain's. I love to set the "Its raining, lets get cozy." kind of mood. I light candles, play big band music like "Its a wonderful life" by louis Armstrong and dance across the floor.
Looks like rain is in our forecast for tomorrow too. Create some rainy day memories for yourself and your family. Take delight in "Sweet Rain."

Monday, July 5, 2010

Think of such things

. . . Whatever is true, Whatever is noble,
Whatever is right, Whatever is pure,
Whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable -
If anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think of such things. - Philippians 4:8

Friday, July 2, 2010

A Wedding Bouquet

A wedding bouquet. I volunteered to help with the flowers for a wedding on Saturday. I love flowers. The bride wanted a simple country feel bouquet. They will be decorating with these deer horns, white candles and flowers. It came together quite nice. I cant wait to see it all together tomorrow. It's going to be lovely.