These flowers. They came last night delivered at my door. The note read, "Just because... Love, your brother."David. Such a simple gesture... huge impact. It worked, I felt loved.
At the grocery store the other day, A cashier ran my items through but Instead of handing her the money, I had to place it in this machine. Well it did not work correctly. It took my money and didnt give me my change. In a few seconds there were 4 important well dressed people crowded around trying to figure it out. They had to call someone, wait for a key, open the machine,recount the money in the machine. The whole time discussing among themselves why this happened, barely acknowledging me, the customer.What is this world coming to?Is all the new technology, texting, Instant messaging, facebook, twitter really so great? Is it taking away from really being personal. Im not saying that some of it has It's good points. I am guilty too, I cant remember my last conversation with my sister, but I can tell you about our last text.But let us not get so caught up in our instant gratification, Im too busy to call or write or tell you personally How Im really doing. Take some time out "the good old fashioned way" ... write a card, send a letter, send flowers, meet for lunch. Just because. A little of your TIME speaks volumes.
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