I have fond memories of our childhood. My mom would plan these tea parties for the neighborhood kids. We'd dress up in grown up clothes and eat at a decorated table in our backyard. My dad would take us sledding at Van Dyke park while mom would be waiting for us with hot chocolate and warm blanket. She'd pull of our wet mittens and warm our hands by the heater. I remember running through the sprinkler in the summer and playing house in our playhouse my dad had built for us. I remember our family camping trips, waking up to the smell of bacon and my dads's crazy music. I remember our Easter picnic's in the park, finding painted eggs we had just painted the night before. And driving around in our big blue van singing Bee Baba Lula and Country roads. You cant buy these memories for all the money in the world! They are treasured in my mind and cherished in my heart forever.
Your children will not remember their fancy clothes and expensive toys. Their fondest memories will be the ordinary days you made so splendid for them and the time you spent together. It doesnt cost a penny to create a memory for your children ... only love.
There is a garden in every childhood, an enchanted place where colors are brighter, the air is softer and the morning more fragrant than ever again. - Elizabeth Lawrence
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