While on the tread mill the other day, this pretty thin blond girl got on the treadmill next to me. Immediately, I felt insecure. "But why?" I thought. My value does not come from what I look like, what I do, who I know, what my title is( wife, sister, daughter, friend) what I drive, where I live or what I wear? (or how fast I go on the treadmill) That is Crazy. To value ourselves by these rules society places on us. WE are sooooo much more! Peace came over me, like sweet honey. Joy filled me. My value comes from my Maker. I am created to be a display of God's Splendour! Isaiah 61:31 How sweet is that?! So next time you look in that mirror or get tempted to measure yourself by a magazine cover, or compare yourself to another, remember this: YOU are a rare beauty. No other person on this earth is exactly like you. Embrace your uniqueness, and all your imperfections. Accept yourself and be who you were created to be. You are a child of God. You are beautiful!
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