Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Growing together

Marriage is a long road to togetherness. We learn to compromise, share and care for another. Our personalities,strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes melt together for one common purpose. Marriage challenges us and supports us to grow together to become one as a couple. It is no easy task, but if you work together and learn to function as a team the relationship is strong and can endure hardships, together and double the joys that you share along the way.
Today we celebrate our 8th Anniversary. Happy Anniversary to us.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Free Yourself

I struggle with a touch of perfectionism. I work really hard to have everything perfect. And its very hard to keep up with my expectations of me and what I think others are thinking of me. I try to always have it all together. But truth is,"I Dont" and it is ok. I have been working on letting go of this perfect image that Id dont quite meet up to and expectations people put on me. Nobody is perfect. When someone says" you have it all together... I just wanna say...look at my closets and my junk drawer!
(Saw this piece of Art and knew I needed to have it. It spoke to me visually and emotionally)
BE YOURSELF. Free Yourself from what you think people expect from you. You are good enough just the way you are.

Monday, August 13, 2012


When we first started taking classes to become foster parents our instructor said we were the cream of the crop. It takes special people to do this. I didnt understand that... till now. This is no easy task. It is not like having kids on your own. where you plan and ponder for 9 months at a time. You are thrown into this wonderful whirlwind of sweet and challenge. appointments, regulations and strangers in and out of your house. bottles binkies and pampers all rolled into one.You try your best to fit into what the perfect parent looks like to the "State" and follow all the rules that any normal loving parent would struggle with.The actual parenting and nurturing is the easy part. You jump in head first knowing your love for the kids will far  outweigh the challenges laid before you.
As we journey Thru parenthood and Fosterhood, we find that we are growing in ways we never knew we could. My husband and I are coming together as a team like never before. When he see's I am exhausted he looks for ways to relieve me. He is finding his own way as a father. I am so proud of him. I am proud of us. We are growing thru this.

Saturday, August 4, 2012


Lucys favorite activity is eating. when she arrived she dug in as soon as the food was placed before her. Now She sits in her little chair, holds out both hands and waits anxiously for us all to be present. When we sit together as a family, Pray and give thanks...Then We eat.We all need a sense of "together"
Rejoice with your family in the beautiful land of life!- Albert Einstein