My earliest memories of my father are when I tightly wrapped my arms around both his legs as we were ice skating because I got scared and made us both fall down. I remember walking with him to the park in the snow to go sledding,and him taking us trick or treating on a chilly evening, so cold you could see our breathe. I remember the countless trips to D.C. to to go sight seeing with a guest from out of town. He was always full of so much knowledge. I can remember him teaching us to ride our bikes in the back yard and how he built us a play house in the back yard with a loft bed and table and chairs. He also coached my soccor team and my brothers basketball team. I remember camping and waking up to his music and the smell of bacon. I recall our vacations to virginia beach and how we had to wake up when it was still dark to travel there. I remember catching fireflies in our back yard and eating hot bread and sausage at Tyson's corner mall. I remember searching for our easter eggs at the park every easter and at Christmas running downstairs to see what Santa clause brought us, checking to see if he had eaten the cookies we left for him.(yes my DAD ate them) Nothing in the world can take these precious memories from my heart. They are treasured.
So I ask. What makes a father a DAD? Money? a fine house with lots of things? No, NO. Its Love. He didn't just work and come home. Any man can father a child but only the cream of the crop can be called a Dad. My father was a Dad. He was an active participant in our lives. He gave us memories that made us who we are today. He taught us to dream and achieve our goals. He taught us to forgive others and help the needy. He taught us to admit when we were wrong and always do the right thing.He loved us, encouraged us, always told us he was proud of us. He is a man of honor, of integrity A man of prayer, A man of God. I love my father and am so Blessed to call him my "Dad."
Happy Fathers Day Pop.
Love, your daughter