Monday, September 27, 2010

October's Party

Ah, Sweet Autumn! There is nothing like the first cool days to start the fall season. So fresh and welcome after a hot summer. I was beyond excited as I stepped out of the door this morning, The cool brisk air exhilerated my soul to its core. I love love love the Fall. It awakens all my senses and reminds me that seasons change. What ever challenges you may be going through in life, it will pass. This is a new day. Embrace the new season, make things new, breathe in new life to an old situation. Now is the time. Make those changes you need to make in life and move forward :)

October gave a party;
The leaves by hundreds came -
The Chestnuts, Oaks, and Maples,
And leaves of every name.
The Sunshine spread a carpet,
And everything was grand,
Miss Weather led the dancing,
Professor Wind the band.
~George Cooper, "October's Party

Saturday, September 25, 2010

A "Dessert-kind-of-week"

Stressed spelled backwards is desserts. Coincidence? I think not! - Author unknown
This was a key lime pie purchased thursday night at Josheps bakery. Taken to work friday and shared.
This was a dessert shared by my husband and I at dinner wednesday night. Though I try not to eat dessert everyday for fear of those extra pounds, I let loose this week. It was a particularly stressful week. From a broken washer, waiting on being approved for a house we really wanted, taking my dog to the vet, and seeing my first paycheck(!), I needed a quick stress relief and dessert seemed to do the trick! Then with a sound clear mind I let it all go. The control or lack of control over my circumstances. Sent up a prayer and decided to be thankful for what I do have. I chose to enjoy the journey, the good as well as the stressful. I had so much more peace towards the end of the week. Life is what it is and I am grateful for each day.
On friday evening after 2wks of waiting for the repair man, our washer was fixed, Got a call from the realtor, we were approved for the house, my dog is better and, well... I enjoy my job and the kids make it worth while. All is well.
Have a Dessert kind of weekend. Enjoy :)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sofies Haus

A new blog I stumbled upon. Candy for your eyes. The pictures are beautiful. Take a peek.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Central Market

So much to see at Central Market. Snapped a few pic's as I ran through the other night. Alexander farms garden roses. Sound's so "oo la la."
Homemade soap. So pretty and they smell wonderful.
Fall candles, in Autumn shades. makes me want to go drink a pumkin spice chai.
Speaking of Central Market, my friend had this beside her couch when I went over the other day. I had to take a picture. Cigar boxes, great idea, Sandy Wheeler! She eventually wants to put plexi glass on top and connect them all through the bottom. She got all of these at central market for cheap! Great up-cycle project.
Happy Saturday. Enjoy the rest of your weekend ;)

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Way We See

I have noticed that since I have now been working full-time again, It takes a conscious effort to notice the beauty around me. I realize it is going to take a decision to not let go of the way I have been viewing the world when I had all the time in the world. I am not willing to let go of this creative voice, the observation of the simple and beauty around me each day and vow to stay true to "finding my bliss in an ordinary day." Though I may not blog each day I will choose to see the beauty, take pictures to capture the extraordinary in every day and continue to share with my readers that "life is beautiful" and each day we are given is a gift.
To me, photography is an art of observation. It's about finding something interesting in an ordinary place... I found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them. - Elliot Erwitt

Sunday, September 12, 2010

send Up a prayer

My sister, Laura jean, had surgery two weeks ago to remove a lump behind her ear. The surgery was successful and the lump was removed and not cancerous. What a releif. They did have to cut the vargus cord during the first surgery. She is very strong and very brave. Though she has gone through some other health issues in her life, she continues to have so much strength, joy and faith.I share this because I would like prayer for her as she goes through another surgery next friday. They will go in and work on her vocal cords. She can only speak just above a whisper and is having difficulty swallowing. Please send up a little prayer for her on friday. Thank you :)
Life is fragile, handle with prayer

Saturday, September 11, 2010

ARTFUL BLOGGING visually inspired online journals

This has become one of my favorite magazines. Atful blogging. It spotlights bloggers who are visually inspiring. It's cool because you get to look into new blogs you might want to follow. I chose a few I really liked.
Just loved this picture.
focus is on kindness and inspiring art.
beautiful pictures
she is an artist. very talented and inspiring
SAYS: that blogging has opened her mind and focused attention on what really matters.
Be inspired by life and all it has to offer, and take note of the small details all around you, that is the good stuff.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Make Every Day Count

Our days are numbered. We dont know when will be our last, only that we live each day. Treat each person that crosses your path with kindness. Live in peace. Embrace every circumstance, good or bad. It all has purpose. Everything in life is there to shape who we are becoming. So dont miss it. Learn what it is you need to learn, the difficult as well as the sweet. For it is all a great big tapestry to this beautiful thing we call life. Make every day count, for once the sun sets, you cant get it back. There are no do overs.

And in the end, its not the years in your life that count. Its the life in your years. - Abraham Lincoln