Saturday, October 31, 2009

Life Is Good

Today I woke up with sore throat, chills, tired ache feeling, and later... fever. I felt awful. I slept most of the day. My husband went out bought me some chicken soup, cough drops and thera flu. He went out to the store 2x for me. Then later tonight As I began to feel better, one more trip to subway for a sandwich I was craving. He also rented the soloist and a period movie, which I love. We stayed home all day and rested. It felt so good. Tonight as we were watching our movie all snuggly, it dawned on me... This was a Cherished Moment. I felt utter contentment and was so appreciative for my husband, my home & my life. A cherished moment does not always have to be grand, its that feeling you get when peace and contentment hit your soul and you think... Life is good. Thank God today for the simple things. Find content & cherish moments. Life Is Good.

Friday, October 30, 2009

For the love of Life

While roaming thru Central Market yesterday we came across the bakery. All the decadent sweets beckoning us. Tantalizing our sight and tempting our taste buds. My friend answered the call with excitement and said, "For the Love of Life, I gotta get these cookies!"
For the Love of life. I love that saying. Why not enjoy cookies? Small simple things bring delight to life. So why not enjoy. Diets will always have a place in this world. So eat in moderation. Go to the gym, walk your dog, do some sit-ups. But for heaven's sake, don't deprive thyself of such sweet indulgence's. Enjoy your life. "For The Love Of Life... Eat dessert!"

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Each time I've moved into a new home, before anything is moved in, I sit in the middle of the home and pray. I pray God bless my home and all who enter. I pray peace love and joy inside these walls. I then ask God, to Fill my home with his angels and protect me and my family.
One year after we lived in our present home, We threw a baby shower for one of my husbands coworker's wife, who was having a baby. Guest's came in, filling our home with happiness and joy. One of my husbands coworkers brought his wife also. She was blind. As she slowly entered our home, her husband helped her up the stairs. She stopped and smiled, looking up. She said "Can you see them?" What? he replied. "It's angels... they are all around."
Have no fear. God will send his angels to protect you wherever you go.
Psalm 91:11 For he will command his angels to guard you in all your ways.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Show God's love

My church does this really cool thing every few month's called "The church has left the building." Instead of meeting for service sunday morning, they encourage us to go out into the community and show "God's love" to people. We have given out bottled water on a hot day, at a flea market. People were so grateful and curious why we did this. We say to "share Gods Love." Another time we handed out Starbucks $5 gift cards to people entering, during the holidays. and another time we gave out quarters and detergent at a laundry mat. One man said "Are you for real, man?" He couldn't believe it. God is REAL... and so is his Love. Might we be that person, to show Gods love today? Everybody needs to know Gods love. Who is that one person in your path? Is it a complaining coworker, a struggling friend, a angry neighbor, or a grumpy stranger? Show God's Love this week. Someone out there was placed in your path. Needing some encouragement, some kindness, a touch, a smile, a kind word , a kind gesture. Make that difference... Show God's Love. There is a whole world out there waiting to be touched:)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Count Your Blessings

A heart of gratitude is such a delight. I used to keep a joy journal each year, thanking God for all my blessings. I sometimes take them out and look over them in amazement at how wonderful God is and what a great life I have. We are so blessed and have much to be thankful for. Our cup's overflow with blessing poured upon us. What a joy to go back and recall all the good in life. The good times. The great people God has placed in your life and on your path. The memories, the laughter, the friendships. The cherished moments. Take time today and thank God for all your blessings He lavishes on you daily. Your heart will fill with more gratitude a spill over. Make it a habit. He will delight in your grateful heart and smile... his warmth will fill your soul.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Welcome back

Interruptions. Though not always welcome, they are a part of life. So sorry for the interruption in my blogs being temporarily down. I am up and going again. Finally got my Internet back up and I am so excited to get started again. Happily back in Texas and my home. Thanks for your patience. Please come back to visit.Welcome back.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

No Pictures

A picture says a thousand words. This is true. Soooo Sorry no pictures today. Many many issues since Ive been back in Texas. No internet :( So I called At&t they apoligized, set-up date to reconnect. (we have been out of town for 3 months)Called monday they said it would be connected FRIDAY. Called friday, because my dog chewed the wire that connects into jack that connects to computer and find out...nothing was set up.NOW it will be tuesday till I get internet!!! I am going nuts. Went to my parents house to try to post and my Pop is having issues with his internet. GO figure. Now, out of town on my sister-n-Laws computer. But NO PICTURES. I have limited computer skills, and so does everybody else in this house( there are 16 people here!) I dont have my pictures on my computer, nor do I know how to send a picture to this computer from my phone and it wont let me get a picture from the web... So No Pictures. So my quote for today is "Hang in there." The sun will come out tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Bursting Anticipation

Look at this tree!!! It is so vibrant. I had to park here as I was leaving the mall to take a picture. It's almost there in the change, see the bottom is still green. All the tree's here are just on the verge of BURSTING into fall's radiant color's, ready to sing their praises in the crisp cool weather. Just the anticipation of it makes me excited.
But, I am equally excited about our trip... back to TEXAS. Tomorrow. Though I will miss the great weather here and the awesome trips we took, I anticipate our glorious home...Texas. I have lived on the East coast, the West coast and the South and as exciting a visit can be at first, Texas will always be my home. We will be traveling till friday. Look forward to sharing new thoughts on Saturday. Have a blessed rest of the week.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Precious Time

Time is a gift. So what are you going to do with it? Will you spend it waiting? wanting?
(whining?) Will you use it wisely or waste it? Will you use it to bless, encourage, grow, learn, love, create, inspire, make a difference? We have but one life and one chance to live it. One. Make the most of every opportunity set before you. Spread Love where ever you go, help others whenever you can, take risks, have fun, love life!
Waste your money and you are only out of money. Waste your time and you've lost part of your life. - Michael Lebeouf

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Think Pink

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Support the cause. There are many activities and purchases you can get involved in. From wearing a ribbon to spread the word, to walking to raise money, to purchasing pink items this month. And who doesn't love PINK?? We have all been touched in some way by this disease. A friend, A family member, A coworker. Everybody can do their part and make a difference.
How Wonderful it is that nobody need to wait a single moment before starting to improve the world. - Anne Frank

Friday, October 9, 2009

Wonder and Amazement

Most of us live day in and day out without ever noticing anything out of the ordinary. Caught up in our routine. But a child finds wonder and amazement in simple things everyday. Don't let your days pass by without ever looking up. Extraordinary is all around. Live with a childlike heart and expect to find Wonder and Amazement... Every Single Day. It's there. Grab hold of it.
You don't get to choose how we are going to die. Or when. You only decide how you are going to Live. - Joan Baez

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Retreat, Replenish, Revive

I grew up singing Hymns in my church. One song in particular has been meaningful through out my life. "It Is Well With My Soul". I actually Cannot sing it unless I am ok inside, in my soul. I feel sad if my soul is not Ok and Overjoyed when I can sing it. Because there is Nothing,Nothing, Nothing more peaceful than a Soul that is Well! I cannot stress to you the importance of keeping up with cleaning out the yuck in your soul. Life has a way of clouding up our perspective and taking us off our focus. Take time to retreat to that place in your soul and clean it out. Refocus on the important things and sweep out the guck. Replenish with the holy spirit and Revive that heart to bring the Peace of God back into that Soul. There is No better feeling in the world than "Peace in your SOUL."

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


When things go wrong as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all up hill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest if you must, but don't you quit.
Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don't give up though the pace seems slow--
You may succeed with another blow,
Success is failure turned inside out--
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far;
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit--
It's when things seem worst that you must not quit."

Monday, October 5, 2009


She is clothed in strength and dignity; She can laugh at the days to come - Proverbs 31:25. We are all different and beautiful. We have strengths and gifts. Compassion and love. The whimsical part of it is, when we are just ourselves we realize we're all on the same journey.Our imperfections are just as beautiful. Embrace who you are and stop trying to be so perfect. If we can find compassion, love and acceptance for one another, we can find it for ourselves.
The thing that is really hard and really amazing is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of becoming yourself. - Anna Quindlen

Saturday, October 3, 2009


Ahh, New York in the fall. We decide to go to New York just this morning on a whim. Our first stop of course was the statue of liberty. The weather was overcast and cool. perfect autumn day.
Central park against The New York Skyline. It had just stopped raining and was breathtaking.
The rain had stopped and we took a stroll through central park. The sun has arrived :)
On the Ferry coming back from Statue of Liberty. I loved this picture.
On the Ferry to Ellis island with the New York Skyline in the background.
Times Square. The busyness of all the people is so exciting. And the rain with all the umbrella's... it made it that much more delightful. We walked around in the rain. Loved it.
Bethesda Fountain. My absolute favorite thing in New York. It is located in Central Park close to Tavern on the Green. It is so Majestic and refreshing. To me it represents strength and renewal. I could sit and look at this all day.
There is something about a New York taxi. I love them. They scream NY and the honking sounds like humming to me. (probably because I dont live here) I forgot how romantic this city is? I dont live here and I dont want to. (its for the courageous) but you gotta love it. I love New York in the fall. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Who you will become

Who are you going to be? Ponder that question a bit. Who you are today, with all of lifes up's and down's, may be different then who you shall become. Do you seek happiness, pleasure, fame, comfort, joy, bliss? But much deeper down, look inside your soul. Find your voice, your purpose, your mission. Seek for the clarity that gives your heart wings and your sight vision. Who you are inside( your love, your compassion, your integrity) is much more important than what you are or what you do for a living. Stay true to God's calling on your life, and who you will become will follow.
It's never too late to be what you might have been. - George Elliot

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Costume idea's

Dont take life so serious. Have Fun! These are last years pictures, just some ideas as you may be getting ready for halloween. With very litle Money you can come up with cute costumes. Oh this is my mom. Isnt she cute?
These are my precious parents ( The best in the WORLD) We went to party city and bought this adorable dog face for my mom. She looked so cute. She wore white shirt and white pants. I cut out a brown tummy and spots out of felt and safety pinned them to her back and legs. Aren't they adorable?
My dads costume was the easiest. He bought his Paris Beret. He wore his silly glasses and painted a mustache. Oh, also had this silly accent he spoke with all night . He is a hoot!
My husband was a London policeman. We purchases his hat, a plastic bat and a plastic badge.He wore black slacks and a black blazer. For my costume we purchased the hat. I wore a black t-shirt, black slacks and boots, tied a red scarf around my neck and wore white gloves. I cut out a white tummy from felt and safty pinned it. Easy Costumes. We attended 3 costume parties last year. Great fun. Anyone have good idea's. I need new ones for my husband and I. please send me your idea's. I'd love to hear them :)